I don't usually post too many songs at once, as it tends to overwhelm some listeners, and the songs don't all get heard. But I came across this compilation of Japanese tracks, and the opener, by producer Righteous totally caught my...ear.
I followed up a bit and was left stunned by three different, but well crafted songs. Jazz in nature, but with elements of house and Hip-Hop used in the most organic of ways. The B/W videos are also very effective. I can only seem to find 4 tunes by this producer, but with music like this I'll take what I can get.
Been big fans of The Rakes since their first ep came out in '05. Strasbourg was blaring over the loud speaker in the record store, and I thought it was the Ramones, but angrier and British. Capture/Release was filled with wit, hooks, and had great detail in the lyrics. You could feel the hangover just from listening to the songs. Other highlights, are Work Work Work (Pub, Club, Sleep), Retreat and 22 Grand Job. This tune from their 3rd release, Klang is bittersweet. They bring some zeal to these songs, recalling The Strokes, The White Stripes, and countless nights of too many and too much. But after they released this album the band has unfortunately called it quits.
Ahh the gimmick post. Quite frankly, I would rather not post anything then reach for gimmicky songs that I don't have a genuine connection to. But I have been obsessed with one of these two songs,(Sly & the Fam)for a long, long time. I happened across the other one,(Doris Troy), while hunting down alternate versions of the first one, follow? So this gimmick, is forgivable. At least by my logic. They are both very soulful tunes. Doris Troy belts through the dense Sam Cooke-ish symphonics, with a tune somewhat unchained. Sly let's the mourning organ/mellotron & wah-wah guitar simmer up and cushion his throaty, emotive voice, until the whole thing almost boils over. Thankfully it never does. As time slips through our fingers, both this man and woman are telling us to hold on tight.
Note* In addition to the YSI links below the music player, readers may click on the downward facing arrow on the right hand side of the player to download the songs directly to their desktop. Feel free to let me know if there are any links not working. KL8N!!
Teen Dream is shaping up to be one of the best releases of the year. Thick slabs of soaring guitar, rich organ, wave crashing cymbals, and hypnotic Casio beats envelope leadsinger Victoria LeGrande's smokey voice. The BPM's are waaay higher than previous releases with the subtle style change suiting them perfectly. Beach House is almost impossible not to like.
Colossally lush production from Beach House's Teen Dream LP, due early 2010. The best song since summer. Expecting big things... Walk In The Park by Clay
This sprawling spaced out disco gets drenched in lavish milky warm synths. With a funk line to give the Law & Order theme a run for it's money. Almost perfect. Spectacle Wins by Clay
Feel good neo-soul that would have both J Dilla and Marvin bobbin'their heads. EWH put to rest the claims that the only good things from NZ are middle earth and burgular proof windows. Here we go..
A very underrated talent. Citizen Cope has been flirting with stardom for a few years now. His awesome Bullet and A Target was sampled by Rhymefest, and Hurricane Waters was used to great effect in Trouble The Water, a heartbreaking Hurricane Katrina documentary. He ultimately makes pop music, but with an almost reggaesque sing songy delivery, his tunes are filled with elements recalling Curtis Mayfield, Bob Marley, Lynard Skynard. But this melee of styles comes together perfectly on both these standout tracks. Hear for yourself.
I think I am about two blog posts away from an honorary Swedish passport, but El Perro Del Mar's Change of Heart is not to be denied. A thick bass lick and some distanced pianos tread the line between propulsion and heartache. Her pleading makes way for distorted guitars, tense drums and an off-kilter melody that sounds as sad as it does hopeful. A slick production that takes it's time and lets that chorus sink down under your skin. From Love is Not Pop.
Old news, I know. This guy bugs me, but this song doesn't suck. Over hyped and marginally skilled cleveland emcee Cudi flips Band Of Horses's(??)Funeral into moving emo rap.
Danish wunderkind Trentemoller gets all lickety split with haunted bluesy sing-alongs. The sampled chants of some ol'time lady wanting her man to buy her shit, is in one way, very hip-hop or modern, but the ghostly recording puts it through the devil machine. The twisting of the bass, and what sounds like a broken accordion, is both funky and haunted. Moby tried this blues-sample and beats way back in the day, but this is something else, something wicked, this ways comes. Seriously hot. Don't sleep. Yes Maam (All Nite Long) (Trentem by KL8TON
A long time fav from the Kompakt label, Japan's Kaito makes heartbroken, wistful techno. But on Inside River, Kaito takes a lively, beatboxing, two step and intertwines in with the sadness of his (sometimes overwrought) crystal clean techno. The contrast between the layers of feeling is perfect, and I can say without exaggeration, that I have bounced along to this tune a hundred times. Let it propel you forward, to either heartbreak or joy. Inside River by KL8TON
Long time favorite. The amount of imagery in this twisted Rhumba is amazing. Like a heartbreak nightmare, while passed out drunk at a beach side pool bar. Shore Leave by MakerooM
New single from PRG'Z, is more vibey drug rap. Their Mad Decent release was so original, it's almost like an entire new rap genre. Spaced Out Pill Rap sounds about right to me.
I really liked the original track from The Very Best, with VeeDub's lead singer fulfilling the Graceland prophecy hinted at in his own band's Afropopin' full length. Here Architecture In Helsinki rework this as a clarinet-swing-synth jaunt. I don't know if it's cuz it's the last few weekends I can truly call summer, but this tune is full of joy. Positivity getting goofy, and it works.
The Metronomy remix is also good. With it's auto-tuned squawk, and cinematic bombast over Daft Punk house grooves and vocoder guitar. It spills out on to the dancefloor more than the other two tunes. Not much Warm Heart left in this one, but it's worth it's 3 minutes.
A MakerooM favorite for sometime. The criminally overlooked ZZ Hill puts his stamp on what was once a country tune, but you'd never guess from the northern soul soak permeating through this revengeful jam. Romantic, paranoid and vicious, just the way love should be. Or at least any love worth singing about.
A stunner of a love song. An almost overly economical electro-pop tune. Highlight is Seb's "I'm still in love with you", baiting and switching all the bravado that came before it. Truly deep pop.
A repost with the New Theory tune, but the Washed Out invasion of my stereo demands it. Fuzzy summer time jams that keep the kitsch in check. Just got some good exposure over at PTCHFRK so they should be on the up and up. Here are MakerooM's top three.
A track from late last year's Lee Frank, Electronic Frank release. MDMAzing is warm techno with huge synths and it's drug filled heart on it's sleeve. Paid a lot of attention to this tune last year, and has had a ahem* relapse as of late. Very deep tune.
A bit of an older tune from Italian producer Unai. This has been a mixtape staple for a couple of years. Dirty strings and tweaked dub squeaks filter in and out of the uber-slick bassline. The groove lurching forward, slows up first to let in the dub flecked breakdown and then the smoked out chant of "Moderne Love" builds on it's steadily stacking sounds. Totally overlooked.
F.A.13 off of Besnard Lakes "The Besnard Lakes Are The Dark Horse". The guys are rockers from MTL and have some lateral connection with Arcade Fire. It's a shame this album got so slept on. Quality..
This is one mean mutha of a funk tune. Why the last couple minutes of this isn't the national anthem is beyond me. Blind Man Can See It - James Brown MP3
Great new album from Javelin. "Jams and Jemz" is full to the brim with good ideas, great beats, and enough one-liners for three LP's. Here is the Jay-Dee apeing Intervales Theme.