Been beating the winter with some old gems from the Trojan Record Label. The most extensive "classic" reggae collection in the world. They have over 20 compilations of Dub, Ska, Rocksteady and some genres I have NO idea about. Such as Suedehead.

I especially love reggae with an element of 50's music to it, either DooWop or Girl Group-like playfulness. Some of the early
Marley stuff had that and it's overwhelmingly charming.
So, I will admit, I was surprised by what I thought to be the standout of Trojan's catalogue. Oxymoron aside,
The Skinhead Reggae Compilation, is very, very good. Perhaps the CD most ordered on the internet, for obvious cash register guilty reasoning. But really, there are great instrumentals and some really soulful tunes.

You can get the album
Or just give these two bombers a listen.
What am I to do-Tony ScottSmile My Baby-The TennorsXV8N