Ahh, the oft-forgotten. The overlooked. The crack thru fallen.
Here are some great tunes by people who were great, but overshadowed by their counterparts. Kind of like this blog really.
Peter Tosh.
Although reggae fans worship him, his exposure is very limited to most outside the serious JerkChickenites. At least compared to Bob Marley.
Stepping Razor
Peter Tosh was shot twice in the head in a robbery in 1987. September 11th no less.
Dwight Twilley
Quite unknown, other than being that guy from Tom Petty's band, Dwight Twilley has some really great tunes. This vibrato version from AMerican Bandstand is one of them.
Looking for the Magic
Dennis Wilson
I previously posted this BeachBoy's 20 year delayed classic album. Mr Wilson was a troubled womanizer who was overlooked due to brother Brian's centerstaged antics. Wilson didn't live to see his gorgeous album released. He drowned in 1980.
River song
Wendy Renee
Not overshadowed by anyone in her own group, but more overshadowed by the once in a gazillion years STAX line-up. This song is experiencing a bit of a resurgance as of late, but is never mentioned as the gem that it truly is. Sampled by Wu-Tangs RZA for the hip-hop banger TEARZ.
After Laughter (Comes tears)
Pee Wee Ellis
Although James Brown's JB's were heard all over the track, the songs themsleves were stamped with Brown's shrieks grunts and more importantly showmanship. Pee Wee Ellis stunning , tight and genius horn riffs never get the shine they deserve. Has gone on to work with everyone from Parliment to Van Morrison. Just listen to this riff, maybe the best recording of live music ever. The song even ends with a punchline.
There was a time.
Wow. No words can do this justice. Well maybe one. Unnnggh!!
Part II coming later in the week.
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